End of summer in Formentera, the best time to enjoy the island.
September 21st is the official end of the summer and that is when Formentera transforms.
Tourists return to home, head down, with the pain of leaving behind that free spirit that invades the people who step on the island.
Walking barefoot, walking quietly, breathing clean air, cooling down in the water, enjoying the colours of the wonderful sunsets and the long nights of full moon …
All this is over for visitors, but the positive energy is imprinted on their memory.
Now, it is Formentera who has to rest and regenerate. The great landings, saturated roads and the vigour that invades the summer days on the island are over.
It is a time of reflection and serenity, the days pass slowly, the idyllic sunsets continue happening, but this time in secret, without spectators or background music. The waves invade the empty coasts and everything begins to resurface.
The smallest Pitiusa (meaning pine island in Greek) is reborn, with all that energy that has invaded the island during these months, leaving the best of each and purifying the air already free of summer excesses.
To return to the island in autumn is to come to an authentic oasis of calm. The sound of the waves, the squawking of the birds that flutter, the soft rumble of the “llauts” that go fishing in the soft breeze and the warm sun that caresses the island these days, is the best way to purify the mind.
Shelter for families and sportsmen.
Formentera becomes an authentic temple located in the Mediterranean.
It is the moment of the Formenterenses and Ibizan neighbours, when a great number of sports and gastronomic activities are celebrated.
Weekends become a refuge for families who want to spend a quiet day, enjoy a good meal and a drink while the children play in the warm white sand of autumn.
For several years in Formentera, there have been many sporting events in the sea and on land. Races, bikes and sails invade the island during those weekends so that the most
Active can show their brands and the results of long training days.
Everything in a paradise so close that makes recharging energy worthwhile, only in a more relaxed way.
Pic by Marino Mantero